Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Careers in IT


Webmasters basically make web sites. They form instructions that direct computers on how to project words and art on the screen. They also make sure that different types of computers can access the same web site by producing the site it in different ways. Webmasters also test web sites to make sure that users can access it with ease and in the event that some part of the site is difficult to access, they fix it. Furthermore, they create internet applications and web driven services besides creating web sites. A webmasters can also be viewed as a business person who attends to the advertising and marketing aspect of the site; not only its technical and constructive form.


Computer Support specialists, in simple words, help people use computers. Their job scope covers figuring out what is wrong with a particular computer and fix it. Many of them attend to their custoers through the phone or e-mail though some do attend to their customers face-to-face. When attending a customer through the phone or e-mail, they present the customers with a series of exacts steps to solve the problem themselves (the customers). They also install printers, software, and other computer tools as well as write instruction books.The typical duties they have to carry out include daily oversight of a firm's computer systems (if they work for a particular firm), responding to calls for assistance from the organization's computer users, repair of computer hardware and software, and training users in the use of newly-acquired computer programs.


A technical writer is the person responsible for writing hardware and software documentation, online help, technical definitions and technical product descriptions on Web sites. In other words they provide help through the web, simplying long and complicated technical words and product descriptions so that non-tech people may attempt to understand.


A software engineer handles many tasks such as designing, implementing, and modifying a software. They ensure the software's quality, make it more affordable, maintainable, and faster to build. Their job is a systematic approach to the analysis, design, assessment, implementation, test, maintenance and re-engineering of a software by applying engineering to the software. In short, their job is to work on a software whether it is to design, install, modify or update.


A network administrator is an information technology job that involves working in an environment with multiple computers that are connected. The duties vary tremendously in every situation, but the common thread for network administrators is that they support the hardware and software that is part of the computer network.


Systems analysts figure out how to use computers to get things done. They tell businesses and other organizations which computers and software to buy, and they decide how to get those tools to work together. Computer systems analysts start their work by asking people what they need their computers to do. Then, they plan a computer system that can do those tasks well. A system can include many computers working together and different types of software and other tools.


A programmer, computer programmer or coder is someone who writes computer software. The term computer programmer can refer to a specialist in one area of computer programmer or to a generalist who writes code for many kinds of software. One who practices or professes a formal approach to programming may also be known as a programmer analyst.

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