Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Basic Application Software


Graphical User Interface allows the end-users to interact with the computer or hardware with the use of W.I.M.P. (which stands for windows, icons, menus and pointers). GUI allows the end-users who handle and carry out tasks easier with the help of W.I.M.P. This is because the GUI enables end-users to use the software or hardware without the use of complex and long command languages.


Word processors are basically softwares that help you translate words into a computer language and back into characters on the screen. As its name suggests, it processes words! Word processing softwares would include, the most commonly used word processor, Microsoft Word.


A spreadsheet is a software that allows you to organize work or data easily. It provides you with a document of horizontal and vertical columns and many individual cells. These softwares are typically used to organize or clearly show percentages, data, grades, charts and so on with clarity and precision. An example of a spreadsheet would be Microsoft Excel.


A DBMS is a system which allows end users to store, modify and extract information from a database. It is used, for example, in the case of storing information about and keeping an easy access to staff and students in a college.  The DBMS allows end-users to extract information from the database by form of query which is to say that they type in a specific command to find out some information and the database cross checks it with what it has in store and presents the wanted information. For example, one can simply find out how many students of the age 19 years are studying at a college by typing in a command :  SELECT ALL WHARE AGE = 19, for instance.


Utility suites are a collection of applications that are usually an add on to the hardware. They consist of a group ot softwares that operate to allow end-users to carry out tasks around the same field. These suites are usually made up of softwares that somehow or another relate in a certain field. For example, Microsoft Office is an example of a uitilty suite that allows end-users to use many different types of softwares or applications to help them carry out and make work easier.

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