Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Internet, The Web and Electronic Commerce


Javascript is a computer programming language developed by Netscape in 1995 for use in HTML pages. JavaScript is a scripting language (or interpreted language), which is not as fast as compiled languages (such as Java or C++) but easier to learn and use.

JavaScript is used in web site development to do things such as:
  • Automatically change a formatted date on a Web page
  • Cause a linked-to page to appear in a popup window (as shown in picture; the box high-lighted in red)


An applet is a program written in Java programming language and can be uploaded into a HTML page similar to how one uploads a picture onto a page. Some applets are able to function as any other normal software application but are small in size and perform only a small set of tasks. Examples of applications often classified as applets are all of the accessories bundled in Microsoft Windows (such as Windows Notepad or Microsoft Paint). Applets are not full-featured application programs.


A Web filter is a program that can screen an incoming Web page to determine whether some or all of it should not be displayed to the user. The filter checks the origin or content of a Web page against a set of rules provided by company or person who has installed the Web filter. A Web filter allows an enterprise or individual user to block out pages from Web sites that are likely to include objectionable advertising, pornographic content, spyware, viruses, etc.


Plug in for Photoshop Software

Plug-ins add specific capabilities to a larger software application. A software plug-in is an add-on for a program that adds functionality to it. For example, a Photoshop plug-in (such as Eye Candy) may add extra filters that you can use to manipulate images. A browser plug-in (such as Macromedia Flash or Apple QuickTime) allows you to play certain multimedia files within your Web browser.


Computer security softwares serve as silent guardians against an ever-changing landscape of threats. Once they were devoted simply to controlling access to the physical computer; now modern computer security software oversees virtual access, including online and even "holes" in the computer's operating instructions. Without security software, computers are an open invitation to hackers. Computer security softwares are available either within the computer's operating system or add-ons freely downloaded or purchased.


FTP is the simplest way to exchange files between computers on the Internet.application protocol that uses the Internet's protocols.FTP is commonly used to transfer Web page files to everyone on the Internet. It's also commonly used to download programs and other files to your computer from other servers.


Wiki refers to anything that can be freely edited by the public - such as WikiAnswers and Wikipedia. On both of these sites, we, the general public, can participate for free and with no ties to the particular site itself.
Wikis may exist to serve a specific purpose, and in these cases, users use their editorial rights to remove material that is considered off topic or unrelated.in comparison, open purpose wikis accept content without firm rules as to how the content should be organized.


URL stands for uniform resource locater. It specifies where an identified resource is available and the mechanism for retrieving it. As shown in the picture, every part of the URL plays a part in finding a site on the web.

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